Steve, Gary, Jim, & Cat


the metal construction saved this from the fire
The Only remaining Building in Grand Deposit

the wooden house burned
A Stone Celler is all that remains after the Fire & Flood

we think this is an old stove
After the Fire, Flash Floods washed away most of the Town

Grand Deposit died for the final time in 2012   First fire, then massive flash flooding delt the final death blow to Grand Deposit.  Grand Deposit began its history in the 1860s.  The town's peak was during the 1920s when a twenty-five ton mill and cyanide plant was built.  The structures that stood until 2012 were mostly from its last revival during the mid 1930s.

To see what Grand Deposit looked like before the Fire and Flood, click HERE

was this car complete and sitting up the canyon?
The body on this car was probably in good shape
until it was battered by rocks in the flood

drivetrains were often removed from vehicles to power mining equipment
The burned landscape reveals old Truck Bodies and thousands of tin cans

fire & flood have taken their toll
This once proud town is all but gone now

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