OLD HACHITA (page 2)

Derek, Steve & Gary


the adobe is still holding up after all these years
Many Adobe Buildings exist in Old Hachita

no engines of any kind were found
Mining Equipment remains in some Buildings

many buildings are scattered over two different locations
This Building is made of Rock and Adobe

Old Hachita is completely abandoned today.   The town is split into two distinct locations, both very remote, if you discount the fact that the railroad town of Hachita is only a few miles away and can be seen from the Old Hachita townsite.  Old Hachita is at an elevation of about 4,500 feet.  Many open mines, most of which are vertical shafts dot the area.   All the shafts we explored are flooded from 30 to 50 feet below ground level.  Since most of the buildings were built with rocks or adobe, wood for campfires from fallen buildings is scarce.  Trees are non-existent.

you can see some equipment inside
This was once The Mill

we could camp here
Gary checks out one of the few Buildings with a Roof

most of the roofs are long gone
Inside another Adobe Building

notice the building in the background
Typical Landscape

More Old Hachita

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